Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, a short explanation

The advantages and disadvantages of solar energy explained

Given South Africa’s load-shedding crisis and the rising cost of electricity, many people are turning to solar. Our sunny climate makes this an obvious alternative. Additionally, it is better for the environment. Solar is renewable. It does not use fossil fuels. Save money. Go solar.

The sun is a powerful energy source. Even though we are not able to collect all of its energy, we can harness this power by installing solar panels. This can make a significant difference to the planet.

It is often assumed that solar is expensive. However, this is untrue. Solar is an investment into future savings. While there are advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, like everything, you need to check the facts.
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Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy


The advantages and disadvantages of solar energy will always lean in favor of the advantages. This is simply because there are so many. Thanks to decreasing prices, solar energy has become the main source of energy for many people.
The technology has been drastically improved the last years. This is often complemented by solar battery storage systems. These make solar more flexible.

It is a renewable energy source. When studying the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, this is key. It is available every day. We can not run out of solar. We’ll be able to harness solar power as long as we have the sun.

Solar reduces your electricity bills. Since you’ll be meeting some of your energy needs with solar, your electricity bill will drop. The amount you’ll save will be determined by the size of your system. Businesses who study the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy end up investing in solar. This is because it saves them a great deal.

It has diverse applications. Solar can be used for many purposes. You can generate electricity (photovoltaics) or heat (solar thermal). It can be integrated into many systems. Also, there are substantial places it can be installed. These include rooftops or on ground mounts. Additionally, solar farms can even float on water!

Low maintenance costs. In every assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, this always surfaces. Solar systems don’t generally require much maintenance. Plus, some service providers offer maintenance plans.

 Technology is increasing. The technology driving solar power generation is constantly increasing. Hence, what you can access today is much better than five years ago.

Can be DIY! Yes, you can install solar panels yourself. If you are technically savvy, and up for a challenge, read more about how to do this here.



When you look at the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, the disadvantages are very few. All of these have a solution.

Solar is weather dependent. Of course, sunny days produce more solar power. However, you can install a battery to ensure you have power at night. Alternately, you can be grid tied and use electricity sparingly.

Some believe solar is expensive. As with any investment, there will be a capital outlay. This is standard. However, when you do the maths, the investment is worthwhile. Most solar systems pay themselves off in 5 – 6 years. Work out your usage. Check your options. Get quotes from various suppliers. Shop around.

It takes up space. The bigger the system, the more space you need. Moreover, the more panels you have, the more power you’ll generate. However, if you are smart about it, you’ll use the space you have! Rooftops or open land are an ideal solution.

When you assess the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. Solar has so many benefits. It is the way of the future.