Solar Panels Manufacturing: Saving on OPEX

Solar energy is a valuable investment for all businesses, but especially for high energy consumers. One such high energy consuming industry is manufacturing. Factories often consist of multiple buildings and produce a large amount of product, leaving them with high energy demands.

For manufacturers connected to the national grid, power is supplied either through the national utility or local municipalities. In cases like this a grid-tied system is an applicable solution. These sites typically have high daytime power demands and are looking to supplement their energy supply with rooftop solar solutions, thereby offsetting a large portion of their monthly energy bill. Further, it decreases the businesses carbon footprint, lessening the environmental impact of their operations.
Below are a few of our grid-tied sites for manufacturing clients.


A manufacturer and supplier of trailer and off-road caravans, our client is a high energy consumer. With the aim to offset their high energy needs, they opted for a renewable energy solution. We provided them a 70 kWp roof top solar system that ties them to the national utility grid. Receiving 95-100% of their energy from renewable energy resources now, our client not only saved on OPEX and reduced their carbon footprint, they are also able to feed back to the national energy grid.

Romans Pizza

This Johannesburg distribution centre required a solution to help them save on their monthly energy bill. With large refrigeration plants and as high consumers of energy, the site is able to benefit from solar. We designed and implemented a 136kWp rooftop grid-tied PV plant to meet their energy demands and reduce their electricity bills. The plant is providing the client with a 17% ROI, producing them approximately 25% of their daily consumption.

Grid-tied solar systems are able to beat the grid energy rate and are typically installed on the roof. As well as saving on energy costs, they add significant value to the property from a landlord’s perspective. We have implemented some of the largest rooftop systems in Southern Africa and are well positioned to provide the best possible grid-tied solutions. For more on the benefits of solar in general visit the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA)